1. Vision

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight, but no vision.” – Helen Keller Creating your vision may be the most important thing you will do when starting your business. This entire ebook could be dedicated to vision. We will cover several important aspects of vision here. What do you want from your…

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2. Commitment

Now that you can see it, you know exactly what it looks and feels like, and you know what you have to do daily to realize it, you must commit to achieving your vision. This may seem obvious, but not everyone who decides they will do something actually commits to it. Without commitment, goals become…

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3. Keep Your Word

This is so important, not just in business, but in all aspects of your life and in your relationships. This aligns with commitment, but here I focus on following through on your commitments to others. Quite simply, if you say you will do something, do it. Follow through, no matter how big or small the…

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4. Under Promise and Over Deliver

Part of making sure you can always keep your word, is under promising. There is nothing worse than creating high expectations from a client and not being able to live up to them. I am not saying you should not present your products and services in the best light possible. If you believe in them,…

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5. Enjoy The Journey

Although much time has been spent on the vision and the earnest devotion toward achievement of that vision, it must be said that it is not only the final result that should be valued. When your vision comes to fruition through all your hard work, grit, determination, sacrifice, blood, sweat, tears, pain, suffering, missing out…

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6. Branding

Branding is very important for your business no matter how small it is. There are encyclopedias on the importance of this, but we will briefly cover this. Branding is a way to define and communicate your business’ identity. Your branding can present your business’ purpose, values, character, beliefs, style, who your target market is and…

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7. USP

Define and Focus on your USP, your Unique Selling Proposition/Point. This is where you differentiate yourself from your competition. What is the factor or characteristic that sets your business apart from the rest? Some may think that their industry or type of business is pretty much like all the rest, but have you thought about…

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8. Be Humble

A quote I reference often: You don’t know what you don’t know. This rings so true to me, so simple, and yet so deep. I understand this and try to always stay humble, no matter how confident I feel about myself or my knowledge on any subject matter. This keeps me open to learning from…

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9. Mastermind And Network

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” “Two heads are better than one.” “Your network is your net worth.” I’m sure you have heard these cliché quotes before. Make no mistake about it, the benefits of building and nurturing your network are real and impactful. Developing meaningful relationships, both personally and professionally can…

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